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Adapted at the regular business session of the Association meeting in Saint Louis, Missouri, on May 4, 1968, as amended on May 15, 1988; May 9, 2003; May 16, 2019.



The name of the organization shall be the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF). Hereafter referred to as GSLC (Greater Saint Louis Chapter) or Chapter. 



The purpose of the Association shall be to: 

The mission of the American Association of Teachers of French is “to promote throughout North America the teaching and learning of the French language and French-speaking cultures and civilizations. Our professional organization welcomes and supports educators of French at all academic levels as they seek to broaden their own and their students’ linguistic and cultural horizons to foster and strengthen cross-cultural understanding. It encourages reciprocal communication between all levels of the teaching of French in North America.” The mission of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French is to foster the fulfillment of this mission at the local level.




Section 1. Membership

Membership in the Association is open to all persons sharing the aims set forth in Article II (above). 

The territory of the Greater Saint Louis Chapter may include the following counties besides the city of St. Louis.

East of the Mississippi River: Calhoun, Madison. St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph

West of the Mississippi River: St. Louis, St. Charles, Warren, Gasconade, Franklin, Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, Crawford, Maries, Osage, Callaway, Montgomery, Lincoln, Boone, Cole, Phelps


Section 2. Categories of Members

There shall be three categories of members: active, emeritus, and student. 

Active: Membership in the Greater Saint Louis Chapter shall be open to all teachers of French presently engaged in the teaching of French on a full or part-time basis, or are unemployed.

Emeritus: Any person who has been a member of the organization for two (2) or more consecutive years and has retired from employment. Upon application, they shall become a retired member and shall be entitled to all the privileges of active membership. 

Student: Student membership for the period from January through December is available to bona fide students, i.e., below the rank of instructor and active during the academic year in a course of study leading to a degree, and who do not hold full-time teaching appointments. These members receive a fifty percent reduction in fees but enjoy full membership and voting privileges. 

Section 3. Dues

Annual dues to the National AATF, in the amount that it determines, shall be paid to the National Office which is authorized to reimburse a percentage of the dues to the Greater Saint Louis Chapter as determined by the National GSLC finance activities of the Chapter. The membership year shall run from January 1 through December 31.



Section 1. Composition

The officers of the organization shall include a president, a vice-president,

a treasurer, a secretary, and a contest administrator (the latter appointed by the president). The Board of Directors heretofore referred to as The Executive Council shall consist of five officers and at least three board members. 


Section 2. Qualifications

A candidate for office shall have been an active member of the Greater Saint Louis Chapter of the AATF at least one year prior to election to office. 


Section 3. Terms of Office

Term of office in the Executive Council shall be three years, to begin on June 1 of the year elected. The Past President shall continue as a member of the Executive Council for one year following the end of term.


The Contest Chairperson is appointed by the President and shall serve in that capacity at the discretion of the Executive Council. 


Board members are allowed to serve as long as they want.



This constitution, with the exception of Article V, may be amended upon recommendation of a two-third (⅔) vote of the Executive Council and approved by a simple majority of the general membership voting. 



Details of the activities of the Chapter shall be regulated by the By-Laws. These may be amended at the General Chapter Meeting by a simple majority vote of the active members present and voting, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment has been given to members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at which voting will take place. 







A. The President shall have duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to the following: 

  • preside at all meetings

  • convene meetings

  • call special meetings of the organization and the Executive Council

  • appoint and supervise the members of standing and special committees, except the Program Committee

  • serve as official representative of the organization

  • perform other such duties as properly pertain to this office and as may be provided elsewhere in the Constitution


B. The Immediate Past-President (retiring president) shall have duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to the following: 

  • attend all meetings of the Executive Council

  • assist the President and Executive Council in providing continuity to the structure and activities

  • of the organization

  • perform other such duties as may properly pertain to this office and as may be provided.   elsewhere in the Constitution


C. The Vice-President shall have duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to the following: 

  • act for the President in the latter’s absence

  • serve as chairperson of the Program Committee with the active support of the Executive Council

  • perform other such duties as may properly pertain to this office and as may be provided elsewhere in the Constitution

D. The Treasurer shall have duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to the following: 

  • keep an accurate roster of the organization membership

  • have official custody of all funds of the organization

  • make an annual financial report and other such reports as directed by the Executive Council or organization

  • disburse such expenditures that have been approved by the organization or the Executive Council, or special expenditures not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) approved by the President


E. The Secretary shall have the duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to the following: 

  • keep adequate records of all proceedings of the organization and the Executive Council

  • report proceedings of the organization and the Executive Council to the membership

  • serve as chairperson of the Nominating and Election Committee

  • encourage past members to renew their membership

  • assist the chairperson and members of all standing and special committees

  • serve as a liaison between the Executive Council and the membership

  • perform other such duties as may properly pertain to this office and as may be provided elsewhere in the Constitution. 


F. The Administrator of the National Contest with the active support of the Executive Council shall have the duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to the following:

  • organize the operation of the Grand Concours

  • diffuse the information about the Grand Concours to the membership

  • supervise the administration of the Grand Concours

  • coordinate with AATF National Headquarters & National French Contest Administrator

  • encourage participation in the Grand Concours

  • perform other such duties as may properly pertain to this office as may be provided elsewhere in the Constitution


G. Meetings

The Executive Council shall hold three meetings called by the President. The time and place shall be determined at the discretion of the President. 


H. Quorum

A simple majority of the members of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 


I. Vacancies

In the event that a vacancy occurs, such a vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Council in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 2 of the By-Laws. 


J. Executive Council Duties & Responsibilities 

The Executive Council shall have duties and responsibilities including but not limited to the following:

  • formulate and recommend policies of the Chapter

  • direct the activities of the Chapter between its annual meetings

  • provide programs for the Chapter

  • contact and negotiate with any group or organization in the interest of the chapter

  • approve the appointment of all committees

  • recommend for approval of the membership the assessment of dues as are necessary to finance the activities of the Chapter

  • perform other such duties as may properly pertain to this council and as may be provided elsewhere in the Constitution


K. All meetings and elections should be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. 




Elections of the Executive Council members shall be held in the following manner: 

Section 1. Term of Office

The members of the Executive Council shall be elected for a three-year term.


Section 2. Nominations

By January 1 of each year, a Nominating Committee of three Council Members shall be appointed by the President as required in Article III, Section 8. When there is a vacancy in an Executive Council office, the chapter members in attendance at the General Chapter Meeting will vote for the candidates presented by the Nominating Committee. The results of the elections shall be announced in writing. A candidate for office shall have held or presently hold a French academic position at a locally recognized institution within the geographical limits of the Chapter, and shall have been an active member of the Greater St. Louis Chapter for the previous year. 


Section 3. Vacancies

In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall become the President for the remainder of the unexpired term. Other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of the Executive Council to serve the remainder of the unexpired term and until the regular annual election is held, at which time a candidate shall be nominated to fill the unexpired term. 




Section 1. General Chapter Meeting

There shall be an annual General Chapter Meeting to which all chapter members will be invited to hear expressions of concern by individuals and groups, and the transaction of any business which the Executive Council wish to refer to the membership. 


Section 2. Executive Council Meeting

There shall be an Executive Council Meeting twice a year.


Section 3. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Executive Council on its own initiative or on petition signed by at least one fourth of the active members of the Chapter to consider business which shall be so stated in the petition. 


Section 4. Professional Meetings

Professional meetings in addition to the annual conference may be arranged by the Executive Council with participation of other organizations.


Section 5. Quorum 

A quorum for the transaction of business for the Chapter shall consist of the members attending the General Chapter Meeting.


Section 6. Membership Dues for the Chapter

Shall be recommended by the Executive Council and approved by a simple majority of the active members present and voting at the annual General Chapter Meeting.


Section 7. The Membership Year

Shall begin January 1 and end December 31. 


Section 8. All Committees

Shall be appointed by the President and reported to the Executive Council. Specific responsibilities and duties of the committee shall be established by the President and Executive Council and made known to all committee members as they assume their duties. 


Section 9. Committees

The following committees are working committees: 

A. Program Committee

Shall be chaired by the Vice-President with the active support of the Executive Council. This committee shall be responsible for the complete planning of the general meetings. Such planning shall include the selection of the year’s calendar of events. Such plans shall be created by and/or submitted to the Executive Council for approval. 

B. Nominating and Election Committee

Shall be chaired by the Secretary. This committee shall be responsible for the preparation of a slate of candidates for each office to be filled, for the elections and the tabulation and results of the elections, and the report thereof to the membership.


Section 10. Le Grand Concours

Le Grand Concours for the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French shall sponsor the administration of the annual French exam. This contest shall be administered at the local level by the Administrator of the National Contest. It shall be regulated according to the rules and specifications established by the National Director and the National Executive Council. The Executive Council shall determine the site and the date of the contest. 


Section 11. By-Laws

These By-Laws shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Chapter at the close of the business session of the annual General Chapter Meeting.


Section 12. Amending By-Laws 

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council and approved by a simple majority of the general membership voting at the General Chapter Meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the General Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of Missouri. 


Adopted and Effective as of the seventh Day of July, 2020

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